Marching into Autumn

March.  Already!

Been out marching and pounding the streets each morning, thanks to our family addition - featured below.

I mentioned last time that light painting time was a challenge. Sad to say it is still the case, and i’ve only managed a few snatched sessions lately. Not even got out anywhere at all, whether it be LP or anything else! I’ve been spending a bit of time on tool making though. Exploring the options with LED strip lights and the minimal electronics needed to get them going.
What i have learned is that hot glue is hot! Funny that. Also, Soldering…well, that’s stupidly hot! In fact, soldering can melt fingers apparently. who knew!

I soldiered on (see what i did there…soz. :-) ) - and managed to create a couple of new tools for light painting. dramatically different results on the tests so far.

This first one is created using a LED Light Bow, It’s about a metre long on the straight edge with the LEDs mounted to a bar and bent to create the bow. No credit from me to be honest, I basically followed the tutorial from a fellow light painter here in Australia, Denis Smith.


So I took the tutorial and then worked on creating another tool of a different design. Essentially the same build process, more scars from soldering, few times i stuffed it up and wondered…why are these wires so bloody hot? Turns our that’s what happens when you wire up positive to negative and vice versa…can totally blow your controller too…all these wee learning curves i guess. So this is actually combined with the Spirograph technique you’ve seen before. These are pretty basic but i can see that there will be scope for a lot of experimentation in the future.

I was digging through the archives a little, came up with these experiments with the Ball of Light and some big blades.

Holly update.

The demon dog is really settling in now, she’s still terrorising her big brother, but is so much better. I’m getting in the early morning walks with her, she wakes around 5am so after breakfast at around 6 we go for a wander. Good times and i get to space out with some tunes. Lots of good new stuff lately too. Unless you hadn’t realised i almost always name my images after a song that i like. Music is my other love, take any image title as a recommendation of either the song or the artist.

so here is where i put you all to the test. do SOMETHING to let me know you got this far! say hello, email back! Tell me about your own special demon dog!

Be good.



Dude, where’s my mojo?


Welcome to wherever you are