Dude, where’s my mojo?

Hello all and welcome winter in Melbourne.

I wish i could tell you i’m back to being inspired and productive, but it’s simply not there. The early starts and a lot of proper job work is leaving me pretty tired and lacking the enthusiasm to get out there and shoot. I’ve defaulted back to thinking about shooting way more that actually doing.

Inspired…there’s a word. That’s a challenge too, it used to be instagram, there was a little active community of Light Painters there that clearly inspired and supported each other. Maybe I’m wrong, but i feel it’s just not there anymore. Now that Instagram has become InstaTok, its harder and harder to find those little gems in amongst all the videos and ads. I seriously think I’m done posting there. It’s like a wee addiction i feel i need to just get away from.

Anyway…that was a less than positive start to this post, sorry about that. Lets get some new work in your face so you keep reading!

I told you about the new tool I made last time, the LED Light Bow. I have been experimenting a little with that one, creating some really cool effects. I took the results a little further here and have manipulated just a little in photoshop. Don’t judge me, it’s only a few photoshop clicks…i think they look really good and the essence of the light painting remains. Would love to know what you think of these, please drop me a line. Light Painting on a white background instead of black.

In the middle of Covid (remember that? All the masks and social distancing, we even had curfews, 5km perimeters from home) - well i got into a slightly troubling habit of having a glass of wine with dinner most nights, leading to another in most cases. 1000 days ago, i decided that enough was enough, i had become that bit more ‘padded’ shall we say, so i figured i needed to break the habit and change it up. 1000 days of no drinking. I was never addicted, don’t get me wrong, but i’m still pretty proud of that. Today is day 1001…

I’ve started a weekly challenge with my lovely friend in Adelaide. Something different for us to do for fun. Each week we get a key word as a topic, open to interpretation. We’ve done 4 weeks now, here are my two favourites so far - Macro and Sunrise.

I don’t have much else to share right now. I’ve been looking at just how NOT prolific i am lately, how little time/energy i have right now so of course what I’m really thinking about is, yep, you got it…investing in something that will be

  1. very different to what i mostly do, it will

  2. cost me a few dollars

  3. and…i’ll need a whole bunch of time and investment to do what i want to do.

Makes total sense!

Just so you are aware, any small profits made from sales will be ploughed straight back into getting my hands on one of these bad boys.

So this is a TLR, Twin Lens Reflex camera. This is a vintage medium format camera. Medium format means it take what is called 120 film, and the negative images it produces are 6x6 cm square. The top lens is a viewing lens, the bottom lens is used to create the picture in the traditional sense. Basic operation involves holding at your waist, and looking down through a viewfinder on the top of the camera, at the viewfinder using that top lens. Proper old school.

Now wouldn’t it be great to be a part of me sinking some money i don’t have into getting one of these? haha..

Every little helps.

Be good.



Monday Bloody Monday!


Marching into Autumn