The AntiGram

Ok then it’s been a while huh? Did you miss me?

I’m pretty organised when it comes to filing my photographs. Very simple, folder for the year, then one for each month, and then for each day - with a title of what the shoot was. Makes it easy for navigation and searching as each shoot is mostly different. Added bonus - I can see just how prolific I have NOT been this year so far!
Photographers block? Creative drought? <insert Scottish accent here>Cannae be arsed?<End Scottish accent>.
Whatever it was, it wasn’t great, then it became easier to not be bothered. Shoots were frustrating, so I got anxious about doing them for fear of further frustration…you get the picture (Get the picture!! Hah! I crack me up!).

Anyway, here I am. I’m going to bring the newsletter thing I do here as a bit of a blog thing. Sign up of course, and I’ll send you an email to bring you here to the minor ramblings of a random tog.

And what better way to start again in having a little dig at Instagram. Man, IG is all a bit crap these days. Trouble is while being crap its still reaching marginally more people than my site does! However I am catching up, so that’s a plus! Tell your friends!

IG was always where I shared and pushed and interacted around the light painting I create. From what my experience of the platform now looks like, it certainly seems to be dying a slow death for the humble stills photographer. My feed is full of adverts, videos and quite simply stuff I’ve no interest in.

So…here is the first of a new chapter of LPA. I’ll continue to share images (yes, to IG too), light painting and beyond. Not compressed, not squeezed into a tiny square and importantly devoid of all the other crap I know you hate too.. For all my LP works, it’s a single shot, no tricks. I will bring in some other works I like, and hopefully some words that don’t annoy.

Be good.

Got some pretty cool night shots lately, on the rare occasion i dragged my ass out. Awesome company, you know who you are!

