Monday Bloody Monday!

Here we are then in the bleak midwinter of Southern Australia, jeez its cold out there.  I’ve really gone soft and acclimatised now to the wonders of Melbourne, a far cry from the bitterness of the weather in deepest, darkest Lanarkshire in Scotland. 

Sparked a bit by the actions of another photographer, i’d like to look at this humble little site being the place to share on a more regular basis. As i said last time, I simply don’t have any desire to continue with Instagram, and now six weeks down the line, i miss it not one bit. Posting here though comes with a few challenges. Biggest one being who sees the works?

I’ve been re-working the layout of my website lately, a lot in the background, not ready for sharing.  You’ll remember I have a selection of re-imagined works shared, so I’ve moved these out to their own section and categorised into one of two galleries.  The second gallery is all new!  I shared a few of these last time round, so I’ve gathered more and bring you ‘The Isles’.

I’ve never found it easy to name the photographs I create.  Especially when the results are considered abstract in some way.  The desaturated, minimal works of ‘The Lochs’ started this new thread of titles.  It was logical to extend this theme a little more.  Flipping the background of these ones from the black of the studio to a harsh white I found just too contrasting, so I have applied a vignette to these ones in post-production, just to soften that contrast.  I think they are super effective and pretty unique.

Weekly challenge Update - Here we have Symmetry from this week and Love…Lookit the big bear. He’s adorable!

It's been a while now, however I’m on a countdown to a road trip!!  This should have happened ages ago…at least 6 months, but the world conspired against us and it didn’t work out.  This time round, we are gonna hit it, and I really want to hit it hard. 

Jotting ideas and plans now so that I remember when we get there, I was asked about food…you know, what’s the plan with that??  Self cater, bring stuff…etc.  I truly and honestly hadn’t factored eating into the trip.  On the fly, grab what we could on the hoof…very much not on the radar! 

Here’s a few from the last road trip i did…so long ago!!!

Obviously don’t want to give too much away as I want to be in a position to share quite a lot of work as a result of the trip, my hopes are high.  Light Painting obviously, but all going well I want to get some landscapes, astro, drone and a few things in between.  No pressure of course! Four of us going so should be a lot of laughs too.  So looking forward to it!

Here’s a few new mural art works i found in the city at the weekend. so many hidden spots in the heart of Melbourne.

And another cracker from a lot closer to home!

right then…Talk to me, tell me a story.

Be good.



Road Trippin’


Dude, where’s my mojo?