Road Trippin’

Ok, lets step it up, and get a bit more regular like I threatened last time.

Road trip was a couple of weeks ago.  It was fabulous.  I said I had high hopes, in particular for the drone actually, I'm so pleased to share some of these with you.  With the drone I have, I can do maybe 30-40 minute flights before the battery dies.  I have three batteries.  I was already delighted after the first flight so at that point I already knew the trip was a success.  Over the few days, I managed 8 flights.  I went away with the plan for a bunch of top down shots, and also the idea of top down of trees in particular.  There were a lot of trees!!!  There will definitely be a full gallery to share at some point to the websites, where I will offer up my favourites for sale, but for now here are a few that I love.  Stunning, absolutely stunning!

The beauty of Lake Tyrrell is that you just know that each visit will be different, it's not a photographers mecca in Victoria for nothing.  The light of course plays a huge part, every day will offer up something new and spectacular I'm sure.   

Quite a few of my plans were around textures.  Trees are perfect for that, especially dead ones. These are some gorgeous works. It became a bit of a joke, where’s Stuey…oh he’s over there taking pictures of some more trees. I names these two Fred. (in fact i named them all Fred!)

 With very big days, there was little energy left by the evenings, so Light Painting was something that became a step too far for anything too involved. we did however manage to grab a few shots of the night. We are particulary proud of this one, very much a collaboration. So we lit this abandoned bus which we knew about before hand and knew it was a fabulous location. We did however to grab some local knowledge and directions to find it. So we have a static red light inside. I momentarily lit the front with the green, and Lotte lit the side with white. The Milky way…well it took care of itself. How good! love it.

Working with the drone is a lot of fun, as i said, i had high hopes and I was so pleased to have come away with some real keepers. Already mentioned more than once that i will be going back to Lake Tyrrell, i can guarantee it won’t take another 6 years!

Will keep it shorter for now, hope you like this sample set from the trip away. Will be in touch soon when the galleries are up - all that’s being developed in the background.

Bloody dug update - she ate a button battery…idiot! X-ray and induced vomiting and $1100 later she’s back to her normal self again…oh, and she literally just escaped, so if i seem out of breath i am…jut ran down the road after her!

Be good.



More Road Trippin’


Monday Bloody Monday!