My Propeller

…some more light painting, some propellers and some marketing!

So the last few weeks have been super busy for me. There’s been a lot going on in life with the school holidays that have came and went, super busy with work leading up to getting away with the family to Queensland and New South Wales for a short spring holiday.

I spoke about the set up last time round so here are a few more works that include spriographs.

As always, these are a single exposure shots. No digital tricks. No Photoshop. No AI! (I read this week there were further AI related changes coming to the Meta Platforms - IG and Facebook, if only there was a decent and well established alternative, I reckon I’d stop posting to IG altogether).

Propellers! I’ve invested in a new drone. so the one I’ve had for a while now (apart from being that bit out of date, was always very cumbersome to travel with, so I never took it on holiday - ironically the time when I’d likely get the most use if it. Photography is all about light…and TIME! The lack of extended time I had available to me to photograph (with little to no impact to the family) has long been my problem, holiday time affords much more opportunity, especially now with the kids a little older, and not looking hang with their old dad quite so much. Below are a few from the Northern Australia beaches that I enjoyed.

So I hope you’ve enjoyed these images, it was lovely to get away and play with the new toy for a while. I got up early most mornings and took myself out for a walk on the beach. Just me, my tunes and my drone. If nothing else I hit that 10,000 step count on most days.

Thank you firstly, if you have managed to scroll down this far! Now - the Marketing Spin.

As you will know, my very good friend Lotte and I run another little website displaying more traditional photographic pursuits outside of Light Painting. I’ve done an LP calendar before so this coming 2024 I’ve decided to offer up something from that side of my photography.

Over on you will find not one but TWO 2024 Calendars available to order now. I’ve done one from my home city of Melbourne. Exploring the city lights at night. Lotte has put together a fabulous collection of South Australian landscapes. Both are available as A4 wall calendars. All the details are here.

We’d be delighted of course, if you would care to support our little venture.


The End is Nigh (to 2023)

